Seeking support and advice regarding my 14 yo son. He likely has Aspergers but has never been diagnosed and won't likely be unless he chooses to for reasons that go beyond this post. Our current struggle is with school. Due to neglect by his father, he has not received any formal education or much structure fro the past 9 years of his life. He now lives primarily with me and is at a 2-4th grade level academically. I have tried enrolling him in public school with mild success that halted after 6 months. Currently I am trying an online school that will meet him where he is at academically however he still refuses to do it saying "its too long, there's no point to this, I don't understand why I have to do this." Currently, the wifi is off until school work is completed which is really only about 30 min a day to start (and then we can hopefully work up from there). I don't think he is in Defense mode all the time b/c when things don't involve "school" he's happy, playful, and affectionate. Please help. I want my son to be able to do what he wants to do in life but I'm worried that his severe lack of some basic education will limit him dramatically.

Posted by aurorabirch at 2023-04-26 20:19:38 UTC