Looking for advise from the group and any parents who may be experiencing similar situation. We have a 22 year old son who was diagnosed as a child with ASD. We are not sure of the full diagnosis because it was in a different country but we see more symptoms as he got older. He is suffering from depression and anxiety and he is always in defense mode. He drives and he had a car accident last year. He exhibits anger and sometimes rage, breaking things at home. After the accident he has become more aggressive. We also feel the accident may have caused additional issues (TBI?) We live in Arizona and it appears that the heat is also triggering him and making him uncomfortable. He has been admitted to emergency mental health care facilities involuntary 2 times but he was released. He is refusing to get treatment and he also feels the system is out to get him and put him to jail. He was going to the University but he dropped out from the last few semesters. Earlier this month, after he was released from the mental care facility, he has taken the car and drove north to Washington, Canada, Oregon. This is the 3rd time he ran away from home driving to different states. He drives many hours and he keeps visiting the same places without any plan or destination. We have been giving him an allowance every month but he used all the money. He is now in California and he is refusing to come home. He wants us to keep sending him money to stay on the road and drive all over the country. We don't know if we should continue supporting him financially. He is angry at us and he does not trust us because we agreed to the involuntary mental health hold. We have looked at the material on AE and we have read the books. We tried to apply a lot of what is being discussed in the training and the books but things are not improving. Now he is away from home which makes it harder. We are afraid he is going to become homeless or he will have a car accident. Its complicated situation but if anybody has any advise please let us know. Please pray for our son, also let us know what we can do to help our son.

Posted by cpAZ at 2023-04-24 04:43:50 UTC