Hello, everyone! I am new and I'm here to learn more about my Asperger's. For me it's mainly based on my social skills. I'm not very good at communicating with others because I just tend to isolate myself from people, even though I enjoy being by myself, which is why I live alone. I do have friends of my own, but I only get to see them whenever they're in town because they live in a different area. I'm just trying my best to learn more about myself when it comes with my Asperger's. It's also hard for me to start a relationship with any girl I like because I tend to fall in love without even getting to know them as a person. And that has gotten me into trouble a couple times. I'm basically here just to get some advice from my fellow Asperger brothers and sisters. I am excited to see what becomes of this. Thanks!

Posted by wyattjamesbender at 2023-04-19 19:53:44 UTC