My son has not been formally diagnosed. However, starting in head start he started showing signs of high anxiety, social issues and just what we thought were weird quirks. But then got to the point where we had to move to a home based program. We thought this was just an age thing. Then kindergarten. Again showing signs and it got to the point where he would have constant bathroom accidents at school. Never at home or on breaks just at school. By third grade he was running away from the bus stop or climbing trees to avoid getting on the bus. We pivoted to home school. We started to thriving again on the honor roll, he had his routine. Then Covid and puberty hit and changes to his body and routine seemed to be just to much for him to handle. He shut down refused to do work acting out having out bursts, refused to do pretty much anything anything. We met with the school who I tried to explain what I thought was going on. But without a formal diagnosis they didn’t seem to care much. So I completely removed him from public school for a year we focused on him and his emotional needs. It was a hard choice because you never know if you are doing the right thing as a parent. But in my heart I felt it was right so he took a break. We did have a home school curriculum and if he felt up to it then we would do school if not we would do other things. We hired a therapist to come to the house to offer us a outside perspective. He grew so much emotionally in the last year. Then one day he came up to me and told me he wanted to go back to school. So we have started back. Not without some bumps he mostly gets up and goes without any issues. Lately he is saying he doesn’t feel like he is learning in his classes except math. This has seemed to dampen his motivation. Ideas on how to help him get his motivation back. I know if I jus say you have to go or try forcing him he will just shut down again.i do not want to go into the same cycle or power struggle. I need ideas.

Posted by Lacy at 2023-04-11 18:13:13 UTC