Hello. My, wife and I a parents to a high-functioning 16 year old boy. Our son was diagnosed in 2nd grade and is now a Sophomore in high school. The issues we are dealing with are not unique. Jackson can do exceedingly well in school for those classes he enjoys. For other classes, where the subject is not his favorite or the pace and expectations high, he can do very poorly - not turning in assignments, not studying, rushing through exams to get them over with. We also struggle with other executive functioning skills, including hygiene. In moments of weakness, maybe too often, that we will have our son living in our basement at age 30. Our primary goal his last two years of high school is too prepare him for what lies ahead and in some respects trying to help him decide what the best path ahead is.

Posted by brianesimmons67 at 2023-04-09 19:32:49 UTC