Hello all, I am the dad of a 3rd grader with level II ASD. We are having issues with the school IEP team not being thorough in their assessment of his needs/deficits. Specifically, they are citing he is not in the lowest 4% (1.75 staff 3104 SE Brookside Ct deviations below the average) on a pragmatic language test. So missing this criteria he does not qualify under Educational Autism. He still would qualify for Other Heath Impairment which was already in place from a prior ADHD diagnosis. They are saying it is all the same but given his severe deficits in nonverbal communication, sensory aversions, and uncoordinated motor skills not to mention social communication and social interaction— we think all his education and lifetime personal growth needs stem from Autism and not ADHD. The school will not share why pragmatic language on one test is being used instead of a battery of tests. Has anyone here come across this barrier/issue? Who do we talk to if the Care Coordinator won’t answer questions on the assessment thresholds for defining Educational Autism in CFR 600.20.a-d? All they want to answer is how he scored on the SLDT, one pragmatic language test.

Posted by monarch at 2023-04-07 14:51:50 UTC