Hello all, I’m a mother of a 27 year old son with Aspergers. I literally have given up on any hope to help him deal with this situation. My husband and I have tried everything and spent thousands of dollars on therapies, doctors, laboratories, and medicines with no results. He isolates himself in his room locked away playing video games and chatting with his in-game friends. He sleeps, plays, eats in his room. Doesn’t like to go out or socialize with anyone. He treats his siblings like they don’t exist. When he wants to convey a message to one of them he tells me to tell them. I know he is always on the defensive side because everything I tell, suggest or advise him, he always says he knows but always contradicts me. He is a good boy (man) and he respects and loves me but Im worried about his future. What’s going to happen to him if we die. He doesn’t know how to make it on his own. Nobody will understand him. He is like a little boy who needs to be taken by the hand and show him the way to do things. Im so desperately seeking for any help from anyone who can help me help him. Thanks in advance to those who take the time to read this.

Posted by nilda64pr at 2023-03-20 19:34:28 UTC