Here's the recording of my conversation with Raun Kaufman about neurocrashes, overwhelm and crisis situations. O ur friends and colleagues, Raun K. Kaufman and Kate C. Wilde, have been tackling this for decades (55 years combined!), have written four books between the two of them, and are both neurodivergent themselves. (Raun was diagnosed with so-called "severe" (non-speaking) autism as a child, and Kate is dyslexic with language processing challenges.) They coined the term "Neuro-Crash" to describe what happens when the environment and circumstances overwhelm a person's brain so that their coping mechanisms shut down. And they have painstakingly detailed the causes of and solutions to Neuro-Crashes that cause these challenging behaviors through their ACT (Autism Crisis Turnaround) protocol. You learn the five Crisis Turnaround tools this protocol in the ACT live rescue course, a two-day Zoom training course that's coming up on Saturday, March 25th and Sunday, March 26th. Signup & learn more for individuals here: Couples can sign up here:

Posted by Danny Raede at 2023-03-10 21:36:25 UTC