Hoping that this is a safe place to share my journey and experience with others going through the process of understanding their place as a neurodivergent in this big ole world. All we want is to fit in, right?! SMH 🤦‍♀️ I believe in openness, communication, honesty, integrity, and growth. I hope this app shows more about promoting a positive mindset about our personal lives and growth. We live in a big world and face a lot of rejection. A world much bigger than AE. So when we do speak, we should learn how to be heard. If we are doubted, ask for clarity. If others refuse to participate, well what can one do? I’m just a Mama who is proud of my progress. Proud of the woman I’ve become. And unfortunately for AE, I didn’t get to this place on my own. I refuse to say that my journey was easy or that I could’ve done it alone. Because that’s a lie. It takes guidance, empathy, support, understanding, communication, compassion, and courage to make it to the light at the end of the tunnel. And that is what I had. It makes or breaks the difference in growth—- and I am open about my story. Open, because I know there are thousands of you out there who are as desperately alone as I once was. It’s a misery that is undeserved. This family below, MINE. Deserves the best of me. And I’m okay with admitting I couldn’t do it alone, and I certainly did not heal because of an app. I do it for them, my heart and soul.

Posted by rachelduncan593 at 2023-03-09 13:47:07 UTC