If one of the admin can provide a resource link that would be incredibly grateful. My son’s high school called me once again to tell me my son is failing his classes, keeps his head down in class, doesn’t do the assignments, sits out and doesn’t participate in PE, not engaging with other students, eats lunch alone and has very low motivation to do anything in class other than play games in his Chromebook. His current routine when he gets home from school is to start gaming until 11:30 PM. Then he stays awake until about 3:00 AM. When I take his technology he shuts down. He has his annual physical today, so I will talk to his doctor to see what he suggests. I gave told him the importance of sleep, the importance of less screen time, etc. I am doing FLIP. Taking/restricting technology doesn’t work. He shuts down and refuses to get out of bed to go to school when I implement rules.

Posted by Lin at 2023-03-07 21:54:22 UTC