Another Braces question. My 12 yr old daughter got top braces last year and adjusted pretty well. This January she got bottom braces and they put a resin bite block on her teeth so she couldn’t bite down on the bottom braces and break them. This means she can only chew with the back of her teeth and maybe a little in the front. As you can imagine, this is causing huge issues in figuring out what she can eat. She already had some sensitivities to some textures. She wants the braces on and wants to complete treatment, but she also needs to be able to eat. Suggestions? Should I be looking at OT? She also has a fear of fullness/being uncomfortable/bloated when eating and it is impacting her ability to maintain and gain weight. To many this sounds like ARFID.

Posted by Adventuremama at 2023-03-04 12:55:55 UTC