Need advice. My 18 year old is in total defence mode and I think is depressed. He finished up his 1'st semester with all A's, applied to colleges and is getting accepted. The past month, I have been unable to get him to go to school or do basic chores. Stays up far too late either playing video games, watching other play or on his phone. I have tried shutting down Wifi-taking devices and the like. Tried being firm and at other times compassionate. I can't get anywhere with him. I also have concerns as now he isn't regularly eating and sure that is part of his crazy sleep schedule. But the less he eats, the more he says his stomach bothers him-of course dude-you have aside build up. Told him to stop worrying about the college front, he doesn't have to go and then he gets mad and is determined to go. I suggested a PG year at a private school and says no way. He says he wants to graduate but with so many absences under his belt, that is at risk. I am incredibly stressed out, worried about the future for me and him.

Posted by mxasmith at 2023-03-03 02:43:37 UTC