Hello! New to the group. My daughter is 17 and at 15 was diagnosed with mild Autism. She is also a person wirh FND and has non epileptic seizures, ADHD, dyslexia and depression. She is an artist and is working on an Art Immersion project designed for people with ASD and ADHD (link in bio). I am really struggling as she wants to become independent (even wants to “move out”) She is determined to stay in school even though she often has over-whelm, we results in seizures. She is repeating her Junior year and we have discussed all the options but she wants to graduate. She has a Service Dog who alerts to her seizures. She shows me lots of love and appreciation and we are close. There is trust - however she feels she doesn’t have any privacy and hates it when I remind her to do basic things. Need to start learning way to help her towards independence yet she is still “in the weeds” with symptoms. Just looking for support from this group, understanding and a chuckle here and there. It’s such a hard job.

Posted by awood_mom at 2023-03-02 13:54:17 UTC