I have a 19 year old son who has aspergers. He is currently working at a local grocery store. He started off working in the deli department but started having problems with a coworker who was, from the sounds of it, being a bully. He went in to talk to his boss and asked to be moved to a different department. Today was his first day working in the front end (bagging, getting carts, etc.). He did not like working in the new area. He did make it through his shift but came home very upset. He kept saying he's tired of every decision he makes ending up making things worse. My husband and I tried to talk to him and get him to calm down but nothing helped. He stated he just wanted to be happy and he would rather be dead than to deal with life. Then he went on to say that he doesn't know how to be an adult and to deal with people. I told him he needed to speak to a professional but he doesn't think it would help. I don't even know where to start to look for help for him. Any help would be appreciated.

Posted by mondouxwho at 2023-03-02 01:06:03 UTC