Hello! I have a 21yr old son who's attempting the community College where we live. The first Semester was hectic and his grades were highly different in each class. He had 4. English an A History a D First Year Experience C and Psychology an Incomplete which led them to suspend his financial aid. This 2nd semester he has 4 classes. He's struggling. I printed out his homework assignments and when they are due. As far as the Incomplete in Psychology he has until March 5th to complete the assignments. But now he's struggling and hasn't attempted any of his assignments on one math class. I praise him everyday but when I mention anything about school work he gets so flustered. He tells me he's got it handled but in the end he truly doesn't. He just gets on his computer and does his games. I know his sleep is really bad right now and he's been referred to a Specialist of Pulmonary. He has central nervous system sleep apnea. He will verbalize adamantly that he wants to do college. I'm just heartbroken because I don't know what to do or how to explain to his instructors what is going on. He does have a disability plan at the college but it's just for extra time. He has 2 in person classes and 2 online which is 2 math classes. Online is difficult but the college says they don't have in person instructors at this time for some classes. Any suggestions I would greatly appreciate your help. πŸ’”πŸ˜’ Sincerely Patricia Murray

Posted by patricia.d.murray1 at 2023-03-01 15:24:07 UTC