We recently two different people, who are very familiar with Aspergers, tell us they thought our son has it. After doing some research, we agee. And we suspect our daughter has it as well. We are currently in the process of finding someone to take him to for counseling. He has a pshychiatrist who is pretty useless. She has him on anti-depressants and ADHD meds, but only wants to continue to increase his anti-depressant intake. She doesn't believe he has Aspergers. She didn't thing he had ADHD either, until I went around her, but getting the forms from our pediatrician and having the school and all the adults close to him, fill them out. I handed them to her and then she agreed. We need to get him tested. I have purchased all the books and audio versions of them as well. Our first step will be to ask the school to do it. However, we still want someone he can talk to that will help him and not just drug him. For the record, we believe in anti-depessants, at the right dosage. My side of the family has a history of depression and I have been taking them since I was 18. But I don't think she should stop there. What kind of person should be looking for? I see counselors, therapists, psychologists, pshycatirists, pre-licensed people, and people with all kinds of letters behind their names. Thank you so much!

Posted by oldoregonmom at 2023-02-28 21:08:41 UTC