Hi! I’m new my son 24 got a ASD diagnosis recently, we knew but now officia and now am starting brand new so sorry if I sound off! Christmas Day he went into a complete breakdown. This happened after many job’s not hiring him, then we had a extended 25 yr old bff with his older brother and he was found after killing himself , he was not ND. Two months later on Christmas Day he started running around the government was coming to kill us and all this crazy stuff, anyway he seems to be coming out of it but my question is (and we are going to both psychologist one for autism and one for depression and anxiety and intrinsic persuasive thoughts which are diminishing he’s asking in his own way I believe about it(he wants to learn) I think how do I explain the difference in feelings I tried to explain that us not can not see behind his eyes and see his videos , how do i start explainig ? thanks And he really wants a social life and to fit in , any suggestions or advice Or easiest way to explain! Thanks Janet

Posted by ojrnp1 at 2023-02-24 18:47:05 UTC