With the passing of our beloved dog, new issues have come forward. Our dog died in his bed which had been placed on the living room couch so we could be near him during the night. Our son slept in the couch recliner next to him and me in the love seat. The next day when we saw that he had passed I covered him with his blanket and moved him to the basement on the treadmill while I ran to the store to get clay for paw prints before taking his body to the vet. Now our son, who will be 27 years old March 3 refuses to spend any time in the living room or in the basement now. He has limited himself to his room, the guest room, bathroom and kitchen/dining area. He says he gets flashbacks if he goes into those two areas of the house 😞. He won’t eat steak đŸ„© now because he made steak for the dog hoping he would eat. He doesn’t want us to recognize his birthday. We had planned to to take him out to eat & I already have his gifts. But he doesn’t want them or dinner out 😞 How can we help him overcome this? He refuses to seek out counseling. It seems like he is punishing himself.

Posted by mooseiddings at 2023-02-23 15:45:09 UTC