I’m new. Thank you for this course. My 32 year old son, Cole, has Aspergers. He works and drives. He almost finished college and gave up. In the end of August, he was out running (he’s a runner) after work in the neighborhood. One street over is a new family. They apparently don’t know about Ding Dong Ditch. Someone rang their doorbell and ran. Ring caught it. The women there got upset and called the police. Four patrol cars showed up. Cole was running on the other side of the street and someone yelled, “There he is.” The teen jumped in his car and tried to run Cole over. He jumped on the hood of the car and hurt his shoulder. When the car stopped, he fell off and sprained his ankle. He limped down to the young man’s house to talk to the police. They each interrogated him—5 police officers, accusing him. Cole pulled out his Strava on his phone that records his running and proved where he had been, They told him to go home and didn’t offer a ride or medical attention. Cole got the police report the following Monday and they didn’t even put about Cole in it. Cole emailed the officers and disagreed. One came to the house and said the car incident was an accident, Cole said it was intentional. Police officer defended the family because they are new from another country. A lawyer runner offered to take Cole’s case. But, he has done little since it happened. Cole is giving up and has to pay medical bills and this boy has NO consequence. How do I get Cole to follow through with the lawyer?

Posted by rykatco1 at 2023-02-21 15:22:36 UTC