My 12 yr old was diagnosed with Aspergers, ocd and anxiety last year. She also has ARFID we have figured out. She will eat, but has a fear of the feeling of fullness. It has been a journey to figure her out. In 2021 when she was at her lowest weight the doctors thought she was neurotypical with anorexia and treated her as such. And it did not go well. Labs weekly, pressure to do things…etc. It traumatized her (and us). Once we got the Autism lvl 1 diagnosis and the others via a psych eval we took her to an ocd specialist who tried ERP with some success but she was now entering puberty and recognizing how different she is than other neurotypical kids and getting depressed. So we got on a waitlist for a treatment program that helps with depression and anxiety with ocd and put her in a social skills gaming group that she now loves. While on the waitlist the arfid came on stronger during a trip and she lost some weight. Our turn came up on the waitlist for the program but because she lost some weight they now wanted her to do the php eating disorder program, which was a shock. We did medical clearances for that and they changed their recommendation to inpatient even though her labs were normal, heart is good. So we told them a firm heck no we will not put our child in that environment So now we are figuring out what to do and boosting nutrition in the meantime. What is the best advice to help a kiddo who was arfid and contamination ocd (brought on by the pandemic)? .

Posted by Adventuremama at 2023-02-16 12:09:44 UTC