Hello all. This is my first time posting in chat. I have a 23 year old son with ASD ( likely would be called Asperger’s) and he had encephalopathy. He is your typical half functioning autistic except Isaiah has been doing something strange over the last few years. He didn’t wanna start hard college right away and wanted to work and I did let him pick up some part-time work. Isaiah in some areas is his age and other areas not so much. He recently had sunk down into his room, irregular sleep patterns , stays in computer and VR set. He was fired from his last time job from taking sodas out of a counter fridge in the site where he worked. While he is always been on his computer on his off days. now, he doesn’t leave his room and seems quite irritable at everybody and gets upset with me if I ask him to even bathe or help around the home or even remove himself from his computer. What are the steps that his brother and I take in helping him be successful and getting out of this rut . I know he feels bad for not paying the store back for the sodas . I do think it’s more than just the situation that happened because he was already headed in the direction of always staying on his computer and not really interfacing with the real world. I really want to help my son. If anyone has adv.ice, I’d love to help my son

Posted by LeighAnnP at 2023-02-16 02:02:19 UTC