Need help feel useless. My adult son 23 dud not finish highschool as his breakdown started grade 10. Then every year has got worse. He does not go outside unless haircut and sometimes dr. He lives in his room. Does come out to have great conversation and debates with me but because it's been 9 years since stopped school and aged out of school help. Teachers were coming to house anfld trying to get him out He is so far in defense mode. He does not know where to restart. I try and get reminders to shower, deodramt brush teeth....but he is adult now and can not fo by himself. He lives at home. Does not cook for himself. Does not do laundry himself and does not walk dogs or join society. I try and push to get him up, but how much do I push, how much does he have to do on his own I truly need guidance and others opinions or options or help please please pleas. Trying to get him to do GED and even volunteer anywhere he likes. He always say I just want to work on routine....and 4 years later still on this due to ups and downs

Posted by sportyt at 2023-02-10 18:21:19 UTC