My 17yo who has had a very difficult time in school with not fitting in, being bullied, anxiety and depression. We finally got him an IEP beginning of 7th grade. His anxiety had been extremely overwhelming in school and social situations. He's made huge progress in social situations, such as can go theme park, stand in line for 40 mins without freaking out due to crowd, goto a restaurant ect.. But school is still a huge anxiety. We've had him in different private placements and back to public school per his request without much luck. We found out he has Autism about 2 years ago, but the school doesn't accept the diagnosis. We found an excellent school this year, where it took time, but he was starting to settle in and attend daily or miss only 1-2 days. Unfortunately due to attendance requirements at this school he was dismissed. We currently have him enrolled in another private placement that uses ABA principles, is for kids with Autism, emotional disabilities and behavior.. I think they can really help him but he has to attend daily. His first day he got overwhelmed from the noise, other students behaviors, and what he perceived these to be worse then they were and felt staff not listening to him. He refused to return next day then been out ill due to covid. Was supposed to return today but comes up with all sorts of excuses as to why he can't go such as doesn't feel safe, (class is very safe, no physical behaviors and staff is 1.5 students to adults), wants to have backpack at desk all day so does not have to get up (classroom not big) and such. I don't know how to get past this. If he would just attend for a few days I think he would see it not bad. But I can't get him to attend. He is close to being dismissed from this school. I am at a loss on how to help. Public school at point they ready to give up also.

Posted by Mom2my3boys at 2023-02-06 14:27:08 UTC