I have posted and replied but suspect my posts are being audited. Glad to be here, my memories of childhood involve very sensitive school avoidance (became adept at provoking asthmatic symptoms in order to stay home and self educate). Children and grandchildren affected, all have some form of 'not normal' (whatever that is!) The French say another form of 'the apple doesn't fall far fom the tree', heredity Haa form of relevance. The disparity between science and experience is regrettable. If I can help anyone here to come to terms with the juggling act between trying to manage their child's problems (I found things easier when I stopped 'trying' to do that), dealing with their own triggered feelings and unresolved friars and tensions, coping with 'officials' be they educators, social services, gestalt therapists, state and legal departments, and the so called 'child protection' professionals, with their stacked attitudes, plus nosy neighbours assuming that a child experiencing a melt down is being abused... If you or someone close wants to chat about this, just message me... Have a peaceful day, and take some time in it for you, to still and know, remember, your view is as valid as anyone's, and the way we are with one another, kindly, respectful, polite and holding space, is often just what is needed to help a youngster negotiate their path to adulthood, and not become locked in, or locked out.

Posted by crystaljane777 at 2023-02-01 18:03:34 UTC