New here. Hello everyone! It’s nice to be in a safe place where we can learn from each other’s experiences. I struggled for many years with misdiagnosis, and after finally figuring out that I am on the spectrum… things have changed drastically. I would not be doing so well today if I hadn’t found an ASD Specialist, but I did. I am a bit agoraphobic (fear of leaving the house) and I hate driving. Which made it very hard to get help. But my specialist/counselor that has been getting me through this, is virtual. It’s pretty awesome and I’m hoping that more services end up going fully virtual as well. I’m able to wake up in my pjs and log on for my sessions, this in and of itself has made a huge impact on me. I’m now pushing myself past old blocks, I’m motivated to work and study, I understand my limits… the list goes on. I hope that everyone is doing well in life. I have learned that a lot of what I thought were deficits about myself, are actually good things when used properly. Anyhoo please feel free to connect or message with me anytime. Peace, love, and happiness!

Posted by rachelduncan593 at 2023-02-01 13:45:18 UTC