I just want to share “good news”. It may be small to others, but big for our family. Our son came down out his room yesterday and asked to watch a episode of “stranger things” with me. I immediately said, “yes!” How can I turn down a hour spent with him- even if it was watching a series episode. He was a little quiet, and only said a few words while watching, but I just felt some sort of growth. And “stranger things” by the way, is actually a good show . He is usually in his room ALL DAY, and only comes out for food or to use the restroom. Our son goes to school online, and my husband states he has been playing the video game with him during his lunch time everyday - something my husband hasn’t done in years, but he took the advice from someone in this community and thought he’s give it a try. And guess what? I think its making our son open up. I know I shouldn’t be celebrating such a small gesture, and there’s a long road ahead. But the joy I felt yesterday, I can’t explain. Just getting involved in our sons interest has made a slight change. My husband enjoys the time with our son too- even though he doesn’t know how to play the game. Our son plays on his game and stays in his room most of the day, and still hasn’t been getting much sleep. Today we meet with his primary doctor to get a referral for an sensory therapist. We will also see an dietitian and sleep doctor this week. I’m praying everything goes well. I just wanted to share our family small achievement and encourage everyone to keep hope alive, and be thankful for the small steps of achievement. Shoutout to: @sariweston108 and @Bex thanks you for your sharing your techniques.

Posted by Faithful2luv at 2023-01-23 13:24:03 UTC