How do we help our aspies function on their own? I still have to go through the bodily care check list with my husband. The, Showered, shaved, eaten breakfast, put on deodorant, brushed teeth. I am now having to do this with my 12.5-year-old daughter. The 7-year-old son of mine is better about remembering to bath with soap than she is. She will be in the shower for fifteen minutes and still not soap up. She just gets so distracted by the water sensation. My husband does too, he gets so distracted by the sensations he regularly forgets to wash his hair and feet in the shower. I am exhausted, and frankly fed up with having to care for them like they are four years old. This is taking too much of my mental bandwith and taking away from my capacity to live the life I want. I can't afford to go to occupational therapy, even with the insurance, the co-pays add up. I can't afford to go to a behavioral therapist either. We have had wonderful ones in the past, but I still owe them $600 that I can't pay. Even when I go to occupational therapy, they just give me all these exercises, more work for me to do. I do not have the energy to do this. I know it is pro-active, versus reactive, but I just don't have the energy. No, we do not have any family or friend support. I have asked and asked, tried every avenue of family or friend support I can think of, they all say no. Our family of origins are monsters, trust me, true monsters. We cannot turn to my parents or my husbands. We tried and we ended up being abused even further. Any suggestions, or identification with my situation would be appreciated.

Posted by Elizabethaus at 2022-12-30 22:30:56 UTC