Integrating new partner So my teen is a 15 year old, non-binary kiddo who has finally been diagnosed (about 3 months ago) with Asperger’s and severe ADD. I have been raising them as a single mom for 2 years now since they had a major falling out with my ex (who had become emotionally and physically abusive). I have finally gotten into a relationship (rekindled an old love from 31 years ago). She moved in a few months ago. Things were a little rocky at first, then all was great. Unfortunately, something happened this week that triggered my kiddo who now doesn’t want anything to do with my partner (very black and white thinking and doesn’t want to work things through). So my question…how have others dealt with their kiddo and the new partner? I don’t want to have unrealistic expectations for my teen, but…?

Posted by Pat Langlois at 2022-12-16 18:34:00 UTC