My daughter is 27 and was diagnosed w/level 1 ASD at age 25. Honestly the only reason we knew anything was “wrong” was because she suffered major burn out at age 21. Now that we have better tools (including AE courses) we are trying to move towards independence for her and figuring out where the gaps are. One recurring issue is that she has no sense of self. She masked all her life - without even knowing it into her 20’s - and she told me last night that she doesn’t know how to switch “on” her own mind. It’s a problem with the smallest things - for instance her favorite color. She doesn’t know what it is because she can’t stop herself from looking at other people to mimic them. If she does have an answer, she doesn’t know if it’s because she actually likes it or if it’s because she wants to be like someone else who likes it. It’s complex but I’m really struggling to help her. Any advice or shared experience is gratefully appreciated ❤️🤗

Posted by Boutin Family at 2022-12-16 15:06:56 UTC