My grandson who is 11 was diagnosed with ADHD and is on the spectrum. He has also suffered trauma due to his mother being out of his life since he was 3 and then leaving my home when he was 8. I had been his primary care giver. Also 2 years ago his mother was fighting my son for custody as she claimed she was sober. He is now living with me again, Needless to say he is very angry has temper tantrums and doesn’t have many friends. School is ok for him for the most part when he isn’t having a meltdown. He is on Adderall and has little to no appetite besides being a very picky eater. I am trying very hard to get him to self regulate and follow the advice I have gotten from this forum and classes. He always says he’s bad and can’t control himself etc breaks my heart Anyone have any other advice?? Thank you for listening

Posted by at 2022-12-12 17:23:43 UTC