Hello, we are new to the community today. I will try to summarize our situation. Our son is 26 years old and has never been diagnosed, at least professionally, as being on the spectrum. He was successful in high school, and did well in college also, although he still has a senior project to finish before graduation. He landed a job/internship as an electrical engineer, and is very intelligent (in our opinion). However, when he got this internship, he moved into an apartment by himself in a large city, right as Covid began. That was roughly 2 years ago. Over time his issues have become more severe: more withdrawn, problems leaving his apartment, sensory issues, overwhelmed by large groups, many hours of video games, antisocial behavior. looking back, we realize now that he had many classic symptoms of Asperger‘s while growing up. He would freeze during stressful situations, had germ phobia issues, transition issues, difficulty keeping friends, hyper focused on video games (and now on dungeons and dragons and investing). We have persuaded him to move into our basement as he has no job right now, and he will be moving in in January. His depression and anxiety have worsened while he was alone. He is now seeing a therapist, and has been trying to explain his symptoms from looking on the Internet. There is a lot of stuff out there! He told us that he doesn’t think he has Asperger‘s at all… We need advice how to support him when he comes to live in our basement so that he can better understand himself. We definitely feel in over our head…

Posted by SandA at 2022-12-07 03:16:35 UTC