I decide that I am NOT listening to my husband anymore! Today, he said that asked Caleb last night was there anything wrong with him. Caleb said, that there wasn't anything wrong with him. Yes, I am going to the Air Force." My husband said that he believed his son more than that psychiatrist who never done any testing on him. We just gave her all the characteristics/symptoms and she said he has high functioning asperger. On January 10, 2023 @ 8 AM my son is having a 4 hour test from a psychologist. The psychologist said on November 28th, he won't be able to lie on the test especially if he has all characteristics/ symptoms we told him about. I am so tired of my husband. I called the divorce attorney today. My husband just woke up my son from his sleep. He takes a long nap after school.

Posted by Jacrenepn at 2022-12-06 01:06:56 UTC