My son, who is 18 haven't been diagnosed with asd yet. A psychiatrist says he has it and she prescribed him medication. He refused to take it and his dad doesn't want him to take it. His dad says he is joining the air force. My husband wants a 2nd opinion and we are seeing a psychologist for testing on 1/10/2023. He is very high functioning. He drives to and from school, plays in the band, has a job at Wal-mart pushing carts. I made him work inside on cash registrar, but too many people causes anxiety for him and he didn't like it. The problem are he doesn't want to do his schoolwork. He is taking a lot AP classes. He sleep too much. He gets home from school at 3:30 pm and sleeps until 6 :15 AM to go to school the next day. I might have it too, but I am on ADHD medicine and it has helped me. Also, I am more social than him.

Posted by Jacrenepn at 2022-12-04 04:29:18 UTC