My son is 27 on the spectrum and is constantly lying to me about things. I have given him numerous chances to be trusted and he continues to lie about things. An ongoing issue has to do with his medication. He take trileptal. He lies and says he has taken it. In fact, I put some trust into him to test him. He said I will keep it in my room so I will remember to take it. Ok, I gave him that privilege. The prescription was filled on September 9th. To this day he still has almost a half a bottle left and it is for a 30 days supply. I told him this morning to get his medicine taken, he text me that he taken it because he had a loss pill on his dresser. I don’t know what to do!!! He can become aggressive if I try taking his computer or such away. When he is at work I’m tempted to go in and remove one of the devices but am almost afraid to. I have reached out to his therapist and just waiting for a response

Posted by mykids3mom at 2022-11-30 15:51:04 UTC