I just wanted to say thank you Danny for the recent email reminder that we’re all “good parents,” even if it doesn’t always feel like it! I’ve been going down an unhelpful thought process lately, wishing I could go back in time do things differently with my 12 year old to encourage and foster more friendships. Now that we’re on the other side of the pandemic, and after a sad experience of losing her only neighborhood friend, she has decided she just doesn’t like people (even though she has a great time when she is with her one other friend, laughing and playing and getting mad at me when the play date is over!) It’s hard not to blame myself for not having done more in the past—but I was also busy with her ASD brother who is 3 years older and who is now thriving at age 15 with an active social life, girlfriend, etc. Anyway, thank you for the positive encouragement—it really helps!

Posted by lenore at 2022-11-19 15:50:40 UTC