Has anyone had any luck getting their school district to help pay to place your child in a private school, that will better meet the child’s needs? If so, HOW? My 14 yr old has struggled through for years, but he needs more than they can offer. He has not been in school most of the semester. He started with honors and AP classes and is now failing them. School offered an “empower” room where he can go w a special School district teacher and work. He refused that, doesn’t feel he belongs. He was really upset and ran away from school and was found by chance by the social worker driving by. They did not even notify me he was gone, or did not notice. That could have ended very bad. He needs one on one instruction in a small environment to feel safe. He has autism, adhd, anxiety and pathological demand avoidance. We were told that the last iep we agreed to try 4 classes 3 days a week. C agreed but then just could not do it. They say I need to get him to school so they can prove that it didn’t work. The fact these he just can’t do it isn’t proof to them. Now I am told that he has til Friday to decide what to drop without affecting his transcript gpa! We found a place that seems to be a good fit, and they are listed on out state website as a “purchase of service” school , but our district claimed they are not on the approved list! Not sure if I should meet one more time and explain, and tell them why he need a small setting or just do it and have a hearing later. Anyone been successful? Thanks

Posted by debschuller1 at 2022-11-15 07:00:57 UTC